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Sunday, October 14, 2018

My Memories Blog Train • October 2018

MM Blog Train time again!

Click the image to get this part of the train!

It's "Happy Birthday to Me" this month!  I thought it would be fun to make this into a full scrap-kit, maybe a bundle.  Comment and let me know what you think!


  1. Большое спасибо за прекрасный набор!

  2. Love your creation, Valerie!! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. Thank-You for the great BT gift. :)
    Birthday 'stuff' is always so usable & versatile.
    Blessed Be.

  4. Geez, no comments yet? Well I loved this birthday kit. It's adult oriented rather than for kids. And you can never have too many birthday kits because they keep happening over and over again. Ha! I love your graphic of the cake and there's something about how pink and orange go together so well. Great kit and you get my vote for making it into a full kit. And happy birthday.
