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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Brighter Days Ahead • RAK April 2020

Aaaagh!  Staying Home!!!  ;D
Wishing you health, happiness and brighter days.

I hope you and yours are healthy and happy.  So many are feeling helpless.  My heart goes out to those who are sick, suffering, have lost loved ones, or are dealing with other tragedy.  It's a sad time all over our world.  And yet, there are so many beautiful things that are happening as we try to deal with widespread human troubles.  People are showing compassion, essential workers are proving there is so much good in people as they risk their own lives to save and help others, neighbors are checking on each other to make sure they're well, gratitude is shown and voiced.  And there's so much more.

My brothers and I used to argue, as some siblings often do.  (Keep reading; I'll make my point.)  Once, when we had been disciplined by our mom and sent to our rooms, I sneaked into my brothers' room and we talked about how mad Mom was and how unfair this punishment was.  (Adult eye roll!)  We were united in our feelings at that moment and we were all experiencing the same consequence of our actions.  I remember my mother, hearing our voices, appearing at the doorway and remarking how interesting it was that when we were all being punished, we were nice to each other.  On a much larger scale, it seems that is what has happened on our planet.  We are all dealing with this pandemic.  It doesn't discriminate; rich, poor, color, country, race, position, etc.  Simply, we are all humans.  All in this together.

I would love to think we (countries, leaders, neighbors, and on and on) would try to keep our current world attitude going in the direction it is at this time; kind, helpful, with empathy, consideration for others, compassion, and love for our fellow humans.  It might be too much to hope for, but that would be my prayer.

This is my feeble attempt to offer a bit of a bright spot for anyone who visits here.  This little kit comes from a larger one that is in my shops at My Memories and Etsy, but I wanted to give a package that is free, and large enough to make a few pretty pages or cards or other fun hybrid paper projects.

So, feel free to click the image to get your download.  No purchase is necessary.  I hope it brings a smile or two and that you enjoy using this digital kit.  It will be free indefinitely.

Air hugs to you!
Valerie  ;D


  1. I hope for more of the same. How wonderful to have us all on the same side for once, and how terrible that it has taken an event like this to get us together...

  2. Thank-You for the bright little kit. It is greatly appreciated.
    Blessed Be.

  3. Thank you, what a sweet lovely kit. I truly believe that whatever lies ahead, our attitude will determine whether it is good or bad, happy or stressful. There can be joy in any situation if we look for it. Thanks again for the lovely surprise!

    1. You are so right! Thank you for commenting. And, you are very welcome! ;D
