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Thursday, October 15, 2020

My Memories Designers Train • October 2020

It's Harvest Time 

Click the image to get this mini created in beautiful fall colors.  Hope you enjoy it!

 Designer List

Digi Deborah Designs 

Kathryn Estry

Karen Schulz

ADB Designs

PattyB Scraps

Over the Fence Designs

Caroline B.

Designs by Lisa Minor

My Blog Louise L

 • • • WinksArt Graphics • • •


Memory Mosaic

PS Digital Memories

Happy Scrap Arts

Sugar Moon Designs

Aimee Harrison

Carolyn’s Scrap Creations

A Giving Heart Studio

Elizabeth's Market Cross

Marie H Designs

Shmooangel Designs

LLL Creations

Mystery Scraps

Connie Prince

Keep in Touch Designs

Moore Blessings Digital Design

Lori Imel Designs

Songbird Scraps Designs

Cutie Pie Scraps

Pat Scrap


  1. Thank you! Love the blue paper with the leaves. Gorgeous design!

  2. Thanks, this is beautiful. I love the quote.

  3. Большое спасибо!

  4. What a beautiful rendering of the chosen colors.
    Thank-You so much for gifting it to us.
